Congress Heights on the Rise

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NURISH Food & Drink: One step closer to opening!

NURISH Food & Drink is another step closer to being open! Yesterday was a banner day what will soon be a full service coffee bar and cafe in the Anacostia Arts Center. Construction is complete and yesterday (Jan 10th) NURISH passed their health inspection!!!!! They are only one step away from being able to open to the public!!!!!

To celebrate this milestone a few of us from ARCH and The HIVE 2.0 were invited by NURISH to test their expresso and cappuccino. I'm not a coffee drinker (go figure) so I documented the entire affair. And if I were to be honest, I got a little emotional. This is a really big deal -- not just for Anacostia but for all of east of the river and a lot of effort went into bringing this project online. Domku owner Kera Carpenter  worked tirelessly on this project. She is so committed to bringing NURISH to Anacostia that she worked day and night. The Anacostia and Ward 8 community are also heros in this story. The community was supportive from the door and made this dream a reality. NURISH wouldn't be here without the community and financial support of Ward 8 residents and supporters. This is a victory for all of us! I am so looking forward to seeing my friends and neighbors sitting down together to a meal in the new cafe.

And now, before I get emotional again,  presenting the very first expresso and cappuccino ever made in NURISH Food + Drink!

 P.S. They hadn't unpacked their expresso cups and coffee mugs yet so we just used the ones we had in The HIVE 2.0. Expect really nice dishware when the cafe opens. :)

Nan making the magic happen on the new expresso machine - which was purchased
thanks to loan funds raised by the community through Clovest!
Quality control by Nan

HIVE 2.0 member Jehiel Oliver checks out his cappuccino sample.
Jehiel is a caffeine addict - he knows his stuff. 

Mission Accomplished! 

Jeff showing off his double expresso. I will be posting his "review" in a separate post. 

A full sized cappuccino in my coffee mug.

Bonding over hot drinks at the coffee bar. 

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