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Humanities Council of DC seeks nominations to its Board of Directors - Deadline Jan 31st

This just popped into my inbox. Please spread the word. It is important that there are representation on the board from all wards of the city -- including ours. FYI -- The Humanities Council website is currently down otherwise I would link to it. 

The Humanities Council of Washington, DC seeks nominations to its Board of Directors. All nominees must be residents of the District of Columbia. Nominations should be accompanied by: a resume and a letter explaining why the nominee would be a valuable addition to the Board. Nominees can be recommended or self nominated.

Board Members are appointed for a three-year term, with re-nomination possible for a second term. Commitments include

  • * Stewardship of this 34 year old organization that provides humanities programs and grants to city residents
  • * Financial support
  • * A passion for promoting the humanities Benefits include outstanding opportunities to connect with people across the city who are civically engaged and enjoy participating in the city's life.

In electing individuals to serve, the Council strives for geographical and ethnic representation, and for balance between academic and public spheres. From the academic sector, the Board elects teachers, scholars, and educational executives. Public nominees represent a variety of professional backgrounds, including but not limited to business, labor, law, technology, public relations, and cultural and civic organizations. Board Members serve without compensation.

Please e-mail your information by January 31st to:

Mr. Gregory Jefferson, Chair, Nominations Committee
Humanities Council of Washington, DC

The Humanities Council has a proven track record for sparking civic dialogue and reflection using the humanities disciplines. Centered in our Nation's Capital, we reach over 250,000 citizens every year, including 17,000 children through our grants and programs, The Council is an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities; however it is a private, non-profit organization and not a federal or District agency. The mission of the Humanities Council is to enrich the quality of life, foster intellectual stimulation, and promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation of local history in all neighborhoods of the District through humanities programs and grants. The Humanities Council of Washington, DC transforms lives through the power of the Humanities..

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