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How do you build a vibrant retail street?

I have a mega girl crush on Heather Arnold of Streetsense. There I said it. She is sharp, informed, and most importantly, extremely honest. She is a star in my book and I always look forward to opportunities to pick her brain. Heather tells it like it is but she mixes that frankness with some real-world solutions. Heather brings me hope so when she talks, I listen. She is one of those industry experts that are vital in developing a real plan (based in fact, not press releases) when it comes to developing viable and diverse retail districts in Ward 8. We need to talk to the people who talk to the retailers about where they are going to invest their next store (and with them jobs). I don't give official endorsements anymore but if I were so inclined she would get the first one. That is how serious I take her skills. Heather is so money.

Posting four short videos of Heather giving a talk on the Vibrant Streets Toolkit at the 2012 Office of Community Revitalization Conference in Fairfax. I really like the Vibrant Streets Toolkit and you will be hearing more about this soon. Stay tuned!

So what is the Vibrant Streets Toolkit?
"The Vibrant Streets Toolkit can be used by retailers, businesses, merchants’ associations, government agencies, neighborhoods, and community groups to make incremental, measured improvements in their commercial districts to attract shops and restaurants."
Published on Jan 9, 2013
Heather Arnold from Streetsense discusses eight critical steps they developed to improve the retail vibrancy in a commercial district. The process Streetsense created is based on their evaluation of a number of vibrant retail streets from around the world. This presentation was given at the Fairfax County Office of Community Revitalization's 2012 Annual Conference. For more information:

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