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Should the FBI headquarters relocate to Poplar Point?

Courtesy of the Washington City Paper
Go HERE to read the Washington City Paper article on DC's plans to submit Poplar Point to the GSA as the new location for the FBI Headquarters. It sounds like the chances of Poplar Point being selected are slim to none but do you think DC should submit the location (located in Ward 8) for consideration in the first place?

Of course, it's an open question whether D.C. officials really want to retain the FBI, or whether they should. The agency is looking to leave its outdated headquarters, the J. Edgar Hoover Building on Pennsylvania Avenue NW, giving the city an opportunity to turn the hulking brutalist building into a pedestrian-friendly, amenity-rich, property tax-paying private development. If the feds built a new FBI headquarters elsewhere in D.C., it'd face the same problem as at the Hoover Building: security regulations that require deep setbacks and limit retail options, and the opportunity cost of not being able to use the land for civic purposes. 
Nonetheless, Mayor Vince Gray pitched Poplar Point, on the banks of the Anacostia River, as D.C.'s most suitable site for a new FBI building in March. But now, Gray's top deputy for development is conceding that it's a lost cause.

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