Congress Heights on the Rise

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The Cap City Bike Expo was a HUGE success! EotR LOVES biking!

On Saturday, November 16th the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) wrapped up their east of the river programing with an amazing bike expo. The Cap City Bike Expo brought together WABA staff, bike enthusiastic, and bike novices all together in one place. There was music, food, kids events, panel discussions and more bike love than you can shake a bike pump up. The food trucks were out in full force and were delicious! There were also 3 raffles for 3 bikes -- unfortunately The Advoc8te didn't win a bike (or at least I don't think I did).

The bike expo may be over but the bike love continues. WABA installed a permanent FixIt station in front of the Anacostia Arts Center! This means that bike riders from all other can fix their bikes and inflate their tires - 24/7! This FixIt station is one of the first in the city open to the public and I am so happy that east of the river has it.

"Kudos" again to everyone who made this bike expo such a great success! It truly was a milestone event.

Including some pictures from the event.

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