Congress Heights on the Rise

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Shutdown = The Advoc8te is now available for consulting projects!

Now that the federal government shutdown has moved from the "highly likely" to the "certain" column, federal employees and the organizations that receive a significant portion of their funding from the feds (like mine) find themselves with some unexpected down time --- and reduced/eliminated paychecks. So while I am happy that the DC government will still be open for business my heart goes out to everyone who is effected directly or indirectly by Congress's inability to come to an agreement. I so hope that this shutdown is as short as can be and that federal paychecks, services, and grant payments (!!!!!) will resume as soon as possible -- for all of our sakes.

So if you are in need of a place to twiddle your thumbs feel free to head over to one of ARCH's projects and spend an hour or two (or three). Honfleur Gallery and The Gallery at Vivid Solutions (1241 Good Hope Rd SE) are open Tuesday - Friday, 12pm - 5pm and Saturday, 11am - 5pm. The Anacostia Arts Center (1231 Good Hope Rd SE) is open Tuesday - Saturday, 11am - 7pm. All three spaces are free and open to the public. The Arts Center also has wi-fi, two new boutiques, and a wellness and fitness center. The HIVE and The HIVE 2.0 will be open as usual 24/7 for members.

So how does this shutdown effect me? Don't worry too much, I'm still working -- though not as much. The nonprofit I work for is still open for business (see above) but because of the shutdown and the interruption/delays in our funding we are working on a reduced schedule as we ride out the shutdown (however long that may be). If you are so inclined to make a tax deductible donation to our nonprofit email us at

So while I am going to miss being at work as often (and the pay that goes along with it) the good news is that I finally have some time to sprinkle more reSPIN magic on some new paying clients. :)

So if you (or someone you know) likes what I do and wants me to do it for you -- for a reasonable fee of course --  then drop me a line at As always, advertising is available on all of my projects: Congress Heights on the Rise, River East DC Blogs and Eat Shop Live Anacostia -- if nothing else I anticipate an increase in readership during the shutdown. :)

Hang in there folks, #SoutheastLove trumps #Shutdown any day of the week!

---The Advoc8te

P.S. Cheer up -- the panda cam is still operating! :)

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