Congress Heights on the Rise

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HOUSING COMPLEX | Big K Plans Draw Jeers From Anacostia Crowd

photo courtesy of Housing Complex

Thoughts? Are the plans for this parcel of land really out of place or is this much ado about nothing? 

Go HERE to read the full article by Aaron Weiner. 


The developer of Anacostia's Big K site unveiled plans last night to turn the unused property into a six-story, mixed-use, residential-retail building. And neighbors were none too pleased with what they saw. 
A team led by  Tim Chapman, the developer selected by the city to develop the Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE property, described the future site as home to five stories of apartments, about 140 units, atop retail that will include a "tablecloth-style restaurant" as the anchor tenant and other "higher-end retail" along the lines of Starbucks. The design is "a commercial style of Italianate architecture," according to PGN Architects'  Sean Pichon, with the appearance of several distinct buildings of varying heights from the outside that will be connected on the inside. 
The two historic, vacant houses on the site will be moved several blocks away, from the 2200 block of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue to a city-owned parcel on the 1300 block of V Street SE. 
The apartments, dubbed the Cedar Hill Flats, will be a mix of one-, two-, and three-bedroom units, offered to people making up to 60 percent of area median income. One-bedrooms will rent for between $1,149 and $1,189 a month, while two-bedrooms will be in the $1,300 range. The building will form a U shape around a courtyard.

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