NURISH Food + Drink met their Clovest fundraising goal!
Thanks to
77 thoughtful and generous supporters,
$15,050 was raised in 0% interest loan funds!
A word from the cafe operator, Kera Carpenter after they met their fundraising goal:
"Thanks to one final generous contribution (Thank you, Duane!), we reached our goal this afternoon. Thank you so much for your generosity and support. You should all feel good about your role in making this happen; hopefully, NURISH is just the beginning of a string of new businesses in Anacostia. Although we've reached our goal, there are still a few hours left of the campaign so don't stop encouraging your friends and family to join in. Again, thank you. We hope to see all of you on opening day!"
Our community cafe was made possible by community support!
A big hug and a round of applause for everyone who supported the cafe, spread the word about the
Clovest loan campaign, and who funded this project. It is greatly appreciated and a wonderful example of what happens when people work together -- on both sides of the river -- for the improvement of Ward 8.
Work is already underway on the new cafe space -- including a sneak peek of the dining area wall color in progress!