Congress Heights on the Rise

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WANTED | Temporary housing for DC blogger who wants to document experience in new neighborhood

Update: Some preliminary offers have come in but I want to give the process plenty of time to find a really good fit for me and for what I hope to accomplish with this experiment for my readers.

I am considering a swap with another blogger/writer. My Congress Heights condo (that was recently renovated!) for their west of the park digs and we both write about our experiences. I am also open to taking some lodgings in a west of the river apartment complex or condo in exchange for doing social media and blogging about the building and/or neighborhood.  Kind of like an in-house one-woman marketing team. I can put all this tweeting, facebooking, blogging, and foursquaring to use in another zip code. :)

Posting an excerpt from my  semi important announcement of a few days ago:

I am looking for a TEMPORARY (3 - 6 months) housing situation that takes me to another neighborhood. Preferably another "emerging" neighborhood west of the river that will give me enough change of scenery to be excited but still afford me the opportunity to learn. Because I am keeping my condo I need free housing (or ridiculously reduced rent including utilities) during my temporary stay. My temporary digs also has to be dog friendly because you know Teddy goes where I go. Please send offers to  

I'm not sure what kind of opportunities are available but I am open to hearing about them. Maybe part of me wants to do for another neighborhood what I feel I accomplished here. I think I did some good for Congress Heights and Anacostia and by extension Ward 8 and  "Southeast." 
So if you know of a developer or property owner who may have room for a compulsive blogger and her crazy dog please have them contact me. I can blog, blog, blog, about what it is like to live in their digs. FYI - I work crazy hours so ideally I am looking for an apartment/condo situation where I can live alone (and sometimes pants-free) but still be in a community of people.  I'm even thinking this may be an interesting opportunity to swap with someone from a more affluent/diverse/retail-rich neighborhood and we both blog about our experiences discovering our new surroundings. I am pretty much up for anything and I am willing to write about it and share it here (or for some other publication) my experience as it happens.

In the meantime, enjoy this little flashback. :)

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