Congress Heights on the Rise

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Tonight | Swap Ward 8 food stories (and recipes!) with food artist Carmen C. Wong

JULY 9: Tactile Anacostia @ Anacostia Arts Center, 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Ward 8 resident and food artist Carmen C. Wong talk food history
(photo courtesy of Carmen C. Wong)

During the last workshop Tactile Anacostia participants made Chester Street "Zesty Italian" Pickles. Tonight it it is all about singing the blues and cooking beans! Come on down swap your stories, and make some good eats in the process! This event is free and open to the public and is part of LUMEN8ANACOSTIA! The Anacostia Arts Center is located at 1231 Good Hope Rd SE. 
Tactile Anacostia is a gastro-art project that invites Anacostia and neighboring Ward 8 residents to come preserve their food stories with conceptual food artist Carmen C. Wong. 
All Anacostia and neighboring Ward 8 residents are welcome to drop by during workshop hours to help craft locally-obtained produce into jams, pickles, sauces and ephemeral art.  Come ready to tell and audio-record your favorite food stories and check in with your fellow Anacostia neighbors.  Participants get to take home jars of these Anacostia-grown stories which they have collectively preserved. 
Don’t live in Ward 8 but want to take part?  We need volunteers at the workshops and you are warmly welcome to lend a hand.

photo courtesy Carmen C. Wong

Photo courtesy of Carmen C. Wong

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