Congress Heights on the Rise

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Here it is! The Southeast Love segment on NBC Washington!

The one day I wasn't looking out for the segment and it aired! LOL! Some of you saw the segment on Monday's airing of News 4 at 4. Or if you are like me you missed it but I was able to find the video online. I am posting it below for your viewing pleasure (I hope). 

A  super big "Thanks" to NBC4 Reporter Danella Sealock for her interest in doing this story. Often times it is super hard to get the media to cover positive stories about the Southeast community. Danella was interested in our little campaign from the word "go" -- it might have had something to do with her growing up in Southeast. It was also great going out with my friend and co-worker David Garber and showing people how easy it was to spread some Southeast Love and hopefully in the process dispel some negative myths and perceptions about neighborhoods in the SE quadrant. Neighborhoods like Anacostia, Navy Yard, Congress Heights, and Capitol Hill just to name a few are places where good people call home and they love it just fine. 

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