Congress Heights on the Rise

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HELP! Must raise $11,950 in NURISH loan funds in 11 days!

This is NOT a donation. This is a 0% loan fund. Payment is only made if NURISH reaches their $15,000 goal by August 1st. You can make a pledge today and don't have to contribute the money until 7 days after the campaign ends on August 1st -- assuming NURISH reaches their $15,000 pledge goal. 19 people have already made a pledge and have raised $3,050 in loan pledges -- we will need $11,950.  I need you to put your money where your mouth is when you say you are for economic development east of the river. We don't have the resources or options of most communities do when it comes to attracting and retaining small businesses. We have to get creative with our projects. In this case, a little bit has to go a long way and it is better when the "little bit" comes in a 0% interest loan. Please spread the word and make a pledge today! It will be greatly appreciated!

If I were to be honest I am a little frustrated. With all of this talk of "standing firm" in the face of Walmart and this and that person saying we don't "need" Walmart for economic development east of the river it would be nice to see all of those proponents of LRAA and opponents of Walmart put their money where their mouth is and help fund a small business that is trying to open east of the river and that will hire local residents. Walmart has a lot of resources and mouth pieces and lobbyist. For most of the small businesses that do open in Ward 8 they just have you and me and not much else.. Let's show these small businesses that we can support them. Maybe then the residents of Ward 7 and Ward 8 will feel like they have a few more options and that District residents really do stand with them in promoting a more "one city" strategy when it comes to economic development and retail opportunities.

Go HERE to make loan pledge for as little as $25. Loans to be paid back over 12 quarters.

Join us in opening a new café in Historic Anacostia!


We're seeking funds to open a new café in the fall of 2013 housed in the Anacostia Arts Center. The café will serve quality coffee drinks, beer & wine, healthy, fresh sandwiches, salads, charcuterie plates, and pastries to patrons of the arts center as well as provide a space for on-the-job training and culinary spotlights for members of the NURISH food incubator program.
Specifically, we need funding to purchase the following items:
  • An espresso machine
  • Drip coffee brewers
  • Beer refrigerators
  • Worktop refrigerators
  • Cafe furniture
The café will be an extension of the nonprofit, NURISH: The Center for a Creative Culinary Economy, which previously brought you StartUp Kitchen and will be managed by Kera Carpenter, the owner of Domku Bar and Cafe in Petworth.

Community Impact

The café will contribute 15% of its profits to its parent nonprofit, NURISH: The Center for a Creative Culinary Economy, which will operate an entrepreneurial training program for young adults in Anacostia who have a passion for the food business.
NURISH will also give preference to Anacostia and Ward 8 residents for employment opportunities in the new café and is willing to include this in writing in a voluntary agreement. You can read more about the details of the café in this  official proposal presented to the ANC 8A.
By funding our project, you'll not only be directly involved in the revitalization and sustainable development of Historic Anacostia, but also be repaid your contributions over the next three years!


The  Anacostia Arts Center is a 9300 sq ft space that includes the Black Box Theater, five galleries & boutiques, a short-term gallery called Blank Space SE, the NURISH café, and an 800 sq ft lounge area.
It is a project of the  ARCH Development Corporation, a nonprofit dedicated to creating a home for small businesses, artists, arts and cultural organizations to fulfill its commitment to the revitalization and sustainable economic development of Historic Anacostia.
It is also home to the  DC Hive, a creative and shared workspace for freelancers, satellite offices, and small businesses and hosts events of the ongoing  Lumen8Anacostia summer festival.
- See more at:
