Congress Heights on the Rise

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Taking a 24 hour break from social media - seriously.

You read that right. The Advoc8te is going to take a 24 hour break from all forms of social media -- including blogging. That means no updates for Congress Heights on the Rise and Eat Shop Live Anacostia but River East DC Blogs will still update in real time. My self-imposed "black out" will extend to Facebook and Twitter too.


Because when the universe (and your very insightful mother) tell you something important you should find the time to listen and then think. I think the universe has been screaming at me for quite some time about my current state of being. So with that in mind I am going to take a day without the distractions of marathon blog postings, retweets, likes, and check-ins to take a a short vacation from my online life to contemplate my offline one.

There are some important decisions I need to make and I need to do them without distractions. It is going to be hard but I need a clear mind (and silent iPhones) to do it.

I'm sharing this with you my dear readers because you guys have been with me from the beginning. (I will be celebrating my five year anniversary in a few weeks!!!!). I really do feel a deep responsibility to keep content fresh and interesting.

Apologies in advance for being so cryptic but when I am willing to share I will do just that. Hopefully I will just need a day to decide my next steps.

Until then...

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