Congress Heights on the Rise

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Did you think us at ARCH were just going to stop at the LUMEN8ANACOSTIA festival this Saturday?!

Child please! That's just the beginning! We love a good party but we always want to LUMEN8 your mind! Thanks to a grant from DC Office of Planning and DHCD we have s ix weeks of F-R-E-E programming immediately following the LUMEN8ANACOSTIA kick-off festival! Get ready to have your mind blown!

Just some of the awesome goodness coming up...

JUNE 26th: Sketch Lounge @ Anacostia Arts Center, 7-10pm 

Sketch Lounge is an informal space to get inspired, to show work, and to network with local artists. It’s also a place to watch the creative process and buy art for your own collection, while grooving to funky local DJ’s and connecting with some of DC’s most interesting people. Each Sketch Lounge event features a few local artists who are doing incredible work around DC. Come see them create, pick their brains, and buy one of their pieces!
When each piece is finished it is pinned on a board with the artist’s name and a price between $5 – $30. If you like the art on the wall you take it down and pay the artist directly; no commission taken.
All artists and anyone who wants to make art is invited to participate in Sketch Lounge. Artists bring their own supplies and we provide work space for them to create.

JUNE 26th: NO MIRRORS: Workshop for dancers @ We ACT Radio Station, 4-6:30pm 


The workshop is an interactive discussion forum for dancers who are pursuing dance training programs and college programs. Open to those who have serious questions about what to expect when furthering themselves in the dance world, we will enlist insight from college graduates and professionals who have branched off from the Metropolitan area.
During the workshop we’ll discuss scholarship/grant information, how to prepare for auditions and intensives, career planning post-education, staying connected in the dance network, sharing testimonials from graduates and professional dancers in the area.
Hosted by Kayla Naturale’ Bee. We ACT Radio Station is located at 1918 Martin Luther King Avenue SE Washington, DC


JUNE 27: Figment DC meet and greet @ Honfleur Gallery, 7-9pm

A call to artists!  Meet the organizers of Figment DC who will be bringing their interactive art festival East of the River September 29 and 29.
Find out about opportunities to show work and participate in this year’s festival.

tactile anacostia postcard_FINAL2

JUNE 29: Tactile Anacostia: Preserving Food Stories Workshops @ Anacostia Arts Center, 12-4pm 

Share your personal food stories and help preserve some local produce at the Tactile Anacostia workshops. Conceptual food artist Carmen C. Wong invites all Anacostia and neighboring Ward 8 residents to come preserve their food stories and collectively preserve locally-obtained produce into jams, pickles, sauces. Participants get to take home jars of these Anacostia-grown stories and art.
Come ready to tell and record your food stories, and learn those of your fellow Anacostia neighbors. The resulting jars and audio-preserved stories will be featured in a future gastro-art experience created and directed by Wong.
Don’t live in Ward 8 but wish to be a part of the project? You are warmly welcome to lend a hand! Any Questions:


JUNE 29: Holly Bass Workshop, BALANCING BUSINESS & ART @Honfleur Gallery, 2-4pm

Andy Warhol once said, “Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.” Whether or not you agree, the fact is that in order to survive artists must also be business savvy. Holly Bass leads this two-hour workshop on the business side of being an artist. In the session she will share her personal experience of becoming a full-time artist as well as examples from other artists in various disciplines. Discussion points will cover building relationships, fundraising and grant writing, time and money management, contract negotiation and setting intentions as well as exploring interpersonal growth and developing a sustainable creativity.

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