Congress Heights on the Rise

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I'm back. Missed me?

I appreciate all of the kind words both online and offline (thanks Barbara!) while I took a mini break from social media (well most social media). To say I was exhausted was an understatement. Forget burning the candle at both ends I have been burning it from the middle, the top, the bottom, and sideways as well for quite some time. You know it's overwhelming when you want to turn on your out-of-office assistant when you are in the office.  I didn't realize I had been operating on fumes until I literally had no more fumes left.

Good news is that I was able to take the time I wasn't blogging (and Tweeting, and Facebooking, and Foursquaring) to focus a little more energy on my 5,000 other projects and to take some of that down time to decide my next steps. After some much needed sleep I have come to a general consensus about what I need to do for me and what I hope will make me a much better Advoc8te and advocate. To be honest I didn't want to resume posting until I was 100% back but after 5 days of still yawning nonstop I didn't want to wait too much longer to post. I will be sharing more about CHotR and my next steps in a separate post which I suspect will be the first in a series of posts.

Until then, blogging and tweeting will commence. I hope I haven't lost too many of you during my time away.

Stay tuned?????

The Advoc8te

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