Congress Heights on the Rise

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Become a LUMEN8ANACOSTIA sponsor/partner now untill August!

The LUMEN8ANACOSTIA kick-off festival is this Saturday but that is only the beginning!

After the kick-off there will be SIX WEEKS worth of free events taking place!

We still have sponsorship and/or partnership opportunities available for these weeks. If your company or organization is interested in becoming a LUMEN8ANACOSTIA sponsor drop me a line ASAP. There are lots of perks of being a sponsor, don't you want to do something nice? :)

FYI -- I still have some space available during LUMEN8FASHION! and LUMEN8TECH! If you know of anyone in the fashion/beauty and technology industry who is interested in hosting a free event (workshop/class/panel discussion/etc.) have them drop me a line at

The Advoc8te

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