Congress Heights on the Rise

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2 free LUMEN8ANACOSTIA events tomorrow!

JUNE 29: Tactile Anacostia: Preserving Food Stories Workshops 

@ Anacostia Arts Center, 12-4pm 

Share your personal food stories and help preserve some local produce at the Tactile Anacostia workshops. Conceptual food artist Carmen C. Wong invites all Anacostia and neighboring Ward 8 residents to come preserve their food stories and collectively preserve locally-obtained produce into jams, pickles, sauces. Participants get to take home jars of these Anacostia-grown stories and art.
Come ready to tell and record your food stories, and learn those of your fellow Anacostia neighbors. The resulting jars and audio-preserved stories will be featured in a future gastro-art experience created and directed by Wong.
Don’t live in Ward 8 but wish to be a part of the project? You are warmly welcome to lend a hand! Any Questions:

JUNE 29: Holly Bass Workshop, BALANCING BUSINESS & ART 

hollybass@Honfleur Gallery, 2-4pm

Andy Warhol once said, “Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.” Whether or not you agree, the fact is that in order to survive artists must also be business savvy. Holly Bass leads this two-hour workshop on the business side of being an artist. In the session she will share her personal experience of becoming a full-time artist as well as examples from other artists in various disciplines. Discussion points will cover building relationships, fundraising and grant writing, time and money management, contract negotiation and setting intentions as well as exploring interpersonal growth and developing a sustainable creativity.

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