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#SoutheastLove inspires #warrencountyLOVE in North Carolina!

It makes my heart swell to see the #SoutheastLove campaign spread throughout the Southeast quadrant,  througout DC, and now Warren County, North Carolina!

Right after David and I launched #SoutheastLove I received a message on Twitter from someone who wanted to duplicate it in their hometown of Warren County. I was like, "Go for it!" You can read about how #SoutheastLove inspired #warrencountyLOVE HERE.

Well WCL launched last week and the premise is pretty much the same. Community residents and supporters taking pictures with the #warrencountyLOVE sign. There is even a Wareen County Love website,   Facebook page, Twitter account, and Instragram! So exciting to see community love (and pride) spreading!

About #warrencountyLOVE
Who We Are and What We’re AboutWe are Warren County. Eagle graduates. Athletes who played under the lights of the stadium; fans who grew up in the stands. We were raised up on Kerr Lake, church in Wise, the pool in Soul City, and t-ball at the Armory. 
When you’re from Warren County, you’re county-wide, and it’s home forever.
The mission of #warrencountyLOVE is to provide a digital, real-time means by which people with a connection to Warren County, North Carolina can share their civic engagement, hometown pride, and history. #warrencountyLOVE is a way to generate attention and dialogue and positively reflect on Warren County’s past and where we’re headed. 
It’s our home. We want to show some love.  Join us!

So if you have a chance, show a little #warrencountyLOVE and throw in a little #SoutheastLove in the process. You can never have too much love -- no matter where you live!

Including more pictures of the #SoutheastLove campaign to date. Want to join the love? Go HERE to print out your own sign!

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