Congress Heights on the Rise

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Guest Post: Got Plantable Space? By Casey Trees

Photo courtesy of Casey Trees

The District has made some strides lately towards becoming a greener, healthier place to live. The Mayor’s recently released Sustainable DC Plan has set some goals, but we know how difficult it will be to attain these – without your help.

We’ve done our homework on the canopy in Ward 8: currently, it stands at roughly 28%. Though respectable, that’s nowhere near the 40% we’ve been aiming for and the Mayor’s plan has set as a goal citywide. But the key number we like to focus on is 55% - the amount of total possible canopy in Ward 8. Can you imagine a Congress Heights with double the amount of trees and canopy coverage than you have right now? We see the room for growth in southeast D.C., and we have two ways you can create that change:

·       Plant in Congress Heights on your own. Our Tree Rebate program has helped an incredible amount of D.C. residents (including one in Ward 8 & Ward 2) add the right tree to the right yard, for the right price.

·       Identify plantable space in Congress Heights. We can pour over maps and dissect LIDAR data, but no one knows your neighborhood like you, and we appreciate that. The next time you’re going for a run or heading home from work, consider one question: “Got Plantable Space?” If the answer is yes, then Casey Trees’ Community Tree Planting program is the next step.

We provide the trees, tools, and technical assistance for hundreds of plantings around the District in the fall and spring every year – all you have to do is submit an application. Reach out to us and bring any questions you may have – we simply want to make it easy to make a difference.

No one knows your neighborhood like you. Help us give it a greener future.

Thinking Green Thoughts – 

Casey Trees

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