Congress Heights on the Rise

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It's important that we support the Anacostia Playhouse while their opening is delayed

By now you have probably heard that the opening of the Anacostia Playhouse is being delayed - BECAUSE OF PARKING SPACES (that they already have by the way). 

Now that construction has been forced to stop our friends at the Playhouse are burning through their funds waiting for the zoning issue to be resolved. If you are so inclined be a pal and offer them your support...or a few dollars to help them wait this out. Or better still, implore our elected officials to give the Anacostia Playhouse a hand -- or a parking variance! :) 

The Anacostia Playhouse is a big deal for Anacostia, for Ward 8 and for the east of the river arts scene. If we want to have any hope of building more economic development in Ward 8 it starts with encouraging and supporting businesses that want to open here -- not make it more difficult. 

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