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The 2013 White House Easter Egg Roll Lottery is now open!

"The White House Easter Egg Roll is a tradition that dates to 1878. Originally, young children in Washington, DC, would flock to Capitol Hill every Monday after Easter for egg rolling and a day of activities. Members of Congress grew tired of the growing crowds and passed an Act of Congress which prohibited egg rolling on the Capitol grounds. The event was moved to the White House in 1878 after President Hayes was approached by young children to use his backyard to roll eggs. Nearly every Easter since, the White House has invited young children to roll eggs on the White House lawn.

Today, the Easter Egg Roll has grown from a few local children rolling eggs on the White House lawn to become the largest event held at the White House, filled with live entertainment, sports and interactive cooking demonstrations. And, of course, the traditional rolling of the Easter eggs. The Easter Egg Roll promotes healthy and active living and is designed for children 13 years of age and under."

Ticket Information:
  • Tickets are free, but limited.
  • There is no charge for entering the lottery.
  • Only one application per household. All other applications will be voided without notice.
  • Ensure that your account contact information is correct and current. Your email address will be used for lottery and ticket communications.
  • Results will be available on March 1st. Emails will be sent after that date to the lottery winners with instructions for obtaining tickets.

Enter  today using the link & GOOD LUCK!

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