Congress Heights on the Rise

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Is 'Southeast' code for 'Black and Dangerous'?

When did this become okay?
Editors Note: This was originally posted on Feb 18, 2013 but I thought it could due with being reposted, there is entirely too much of this racial and geographic fear being posted on social media to let this stuff slide. 

First and foremost, let me say that I do not think that that the negative tweets highlighted below are reflective of the feelings of an entire race or ethnic group. The views of a few do not automatically reflect the views of all.

However, as someone who has been reposting these negative tweets for the past month (go here to learn why) I felt I had to ask the question. A significant number of the negative tweets had at least the undertones of racial fear in them if not come right out and said it.

So I ask again, "Does race (or the perception of race) play a part in the negative stigma associated with the neighborhoods of Southeast? It would definetly explain why some neighborhoods like Anacostia and Congress Heights are considered by some to be "scary" while other Southeast neighborhoods like Capitol Hill and Navy Yard are considered "safe." I think it is important to ask ourselves, "Why?"

I don't think the media has been doing us any favors in this department either. I will go right out and say those reporting the news have been a BIG part of the problem. Before I even started this project of reposting negative tweets associated with Southeast and Southeast neighborhoods I was already aware of the media's sensational use of the word "Southeast" often times to mask their lack of basic knowledge of east of the river neighborhood geography. DC's own media corps is a primary reason why so many people incorrectly think that "Anacostia" is what you call everything east of the Anacostia river.

So to be honest (at least from my perspective) I do  think the "mainstream"media is at least partially responsible for perpetuating this fear of Southeast. Headlines read like cautionary tales of the dangers of living and traveling to the Southeast quadrant.  I know good things happen in the Southeast of east of the river but it seems the local media is slow to report them. Heck, I've seen not one mainstream media mention about our #SoutheastLove campaign despite all of the tweets and photos. I suppose positive 'Southeast' stories just aren't sensational enough?

So with everything that is being said, what is really not being said?

I'm looking forward to reading your comments.

Or course we can't forget this.

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