Congress Heights on the Rise

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Visit HONFLEUR GALLERY at the (e)merge art fair!
find us in Room 225
October 4-7, Capitol Skyline Hotel

10 "I" Street, SW Washington, DC 20024

Honfleur Gallery is pleased to be bringing the work of three artists to (e)merge:  Marsha Staiger, Cyril Anguelids, and Steven Pearson.

Marsha Staiger paints colorful abstractions that often utilize motifs of stripes and patches which come together in rhythmic compositions. At (e)merge, Honfleur Gallery is presenting works from her "R&B" series of paintings made on wooden beams. Stiager maintains a studio at the Torpedo Factory Art Center in Alexandria, Virginia. 
Cyril Anguelidis' large scale urban landscapes are portrayed with a mixture of photographically-based digital painting; creating vibrant, urban street scenes. The boundaries of real and fictional are blurred as the images overlay and become woven of the same fabric. The raw energy of Anguelidis' imagery is a successful counterpoint to the sophisticated technology used to create these artworks. Anguelidis maintains a studio in Paris. 
Steven Pearson is an abstract painter focusing on mid-sized to large paintings that  investigate the complexities of color and space. Of his work Pearson writes, "Each painting possesses a layered history: As new statements are juxtaposed next to or on top of earlier ones, the paintings begin to suggest the manner in which we store memories or assimilate and make sense of information." An Associate Professor at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD, Pearson keeps studios on campus and at the Oliver Street Studios in Baltimore.

Tickets to the preview on Thursday, October 4 from 7-11 pm are $45 in advance and $60 at the door. Admission to the fair Friday-Sunday is $15. The fair runs from 12-7 pm Friday and Saturday, and 12-5 pm Sunday. More information, including ticketing, can be found at the  (e)merge website.

Contact: Phil Hutinet
Phone:  202-468-5277
Honfleur Gallery is a contemporary fine art gallery located in Historica Anacostia at 1241 Good Hope Road SE, WDC 20020. Honfleur opened in January 2007 and is a project of ARCH Development Corporation.
 ARCH Development Corporation (ADC) is creating a home f or the creative economy, artists, arts and cultural organizations to fulfill its mission of revitalization and sustainable economic development. ADC is a twenty one year old 501[c] [3] not-for-profit community based organization that believes  arts and creative economic practices can be employed as part of a comprehensive, synergistic approach to community revitalization in the Anacostia community of Washington, DC.

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