Congress Heights on the Rise

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WASHINGTONIAN | ADC Announces 3-Year Plan to Get More Art Into Anacostia

Go HERE to read the full article by Sophie Gilbert.
Go HERE to read ARCH's 3 year strategic plan.


Phase One of  ARCH Development Corporation’s mission to make Anacostia DC’s next arts hub is complete. In the past five years the company has established two galleries (Honfleur Gallery and Vivid Solutions) and one creative office space ( the HIVE)—with another soon to follow—and it hosted a weeklong arts festival,  LUMEN8Anacostia, earlier this year. 
Now for phase two, which, according to a document ARCH released on its website yesterday will attempt to bring more artists to live and work in the neighborhood, as well as launch a new community marketing campaign titled “I [he]ART Anacostia.” LUMEN8 will return in 2013, and ARCH is also adding a family-oriented film series to its poetry and musical projects.

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