Manna is administering the CityLIFT program funded by the Wells Fargo Foundation and NeighborWorks America, which provides $20,000 in down payment assistance funds to eligible homebuyers who are purchasing a home within Washington, DC and Prince George’s County, MD. No repayment of these funds is required as they are structured as a “soft second” mortgage that is forgiven over a five year period. These funds can also be layered with other downpayment assistance programs, such as HPAP, EAHP, etc.
The DC CityLIFT program kicks off with an event at the DC Convention Center on October 5 and 6, and you must register for an appointment by October 3. The downpayment assistance funds are first come, first serve, so please let your family, friends, neighbors, colleagues and others know today! Interested homebuyers can find out more details and register for the CityLIFT event through Manna’s website at www.MannaDC.org .
This is an incredible opportunity for low and moderate income individuals in DC and Prince George's! Don’t let it pass by!
The DC CityLIFT program kicks off with an event at the DC Convention Center on October 5 and 6, and you must register for an appointment by October 3. The downpayment assistance funds are first come, first serve, so please let your family, friends, neighbors, colleagues and others know today! Interested homebuyers can find out more details and register for the CityLIFT event through Manna’s website at www.MannaDC.org .
This is an incredible opportunity for low and moderate income individuals in DC and Prince George's! Don’t let it pass by!
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