Congress Heights on the Rise

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I wish I had time to write about how amazing this event was. Over 60 people came out to learn more about ADC projects in Anacostia and weigh in on where the focus should be going forward. It was an amazing meeting and the feedback was truly invaluable. This was one of those meetings that I wish members of the media made time to attend, it would take their perceptions about what they think Ward 8 residents want and totally change them.

Hugs to my co-workers for working triple time to make sure we got a great turn. About 75% of the attendees were people we had not seem before -- a real treat!

Stay tuned for more of these type of community input meetings.

P.S. We had three $100 winners! It pays to come to meetings! :)

Photos taken by Shannon Holloway of Vivid Solutions DC Digital Print Lab.

Hosted by Honfleur Gallery (1241 Good Hope Rd SE), an ARCH Development Corporation project

Guests arrive

One of three $100 raffles for the event

Visitors checking out the art gallery

A little Anacostia love with some community feedback = great things! 

ARCH STAFF: Andrea Hope, Director of Digital Productions and Jeff Herrell, Special Projects Coordinator

The mix and mingle

All about the contacts

The Advoc8te representing her love for Anacostia

Piper, Gallery Assistant handles the treats

The pizza was catered by Anacostia business, Mama's Pizza

The very first "I [he]ART Anacsotia" buttons! 

Kymone Freeman, We Act Radio fills out his survey

Yours truly doing what she does best -- talk!

Duane Gautier, CEO and President of ARCH (and my amazing boss!) gets ready to give his presentation.

Duane explaining ARCH's mission and why we need community feedback

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