Congress Heights on the Rise

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CHotR Guest Blogger: David Grosso, Candidate for DC Council At-Large
Readers to CHotR know that I have a soft spot for challengers in election races. I think it takes a fair amount of moxie to run against an incubent in a city as legacy driven as the District of Columbia. Without giving endorsements I do like to offer challengers in all DC political races an opportunity to articulate their mission on my humble blog. In my opinion, political incumbents generally have the deeper pockets and the better resources to spread their message. I also figure they have had plenty of opportunities to spread their message during their terms. ;) We don't always get to hear directly from a challenger regarding their campaign platform. Today I am pleased as punch (really!) to have David Grosso, candidate for DC Council At-Large as a guest blogger. His post will go up first thing this morning. Please be encouraged to pose your questions/comments in the "Comments" section of his guest post.

P.S. If you are running as a challenger in a DC election (including ANC) and would like to submit a guest post for CHotR send an email to Guests posts must focus on your election platform and/or qualifications and are limited to one post per candidate.

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