Congress Heights on the Rise

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Anthony Lorenzo wants your vote for SMD 8B04

I’m Anthony Lorenzo, a candidate for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner in Single Member District (SMD) 8B04. This newly realigned SMD includes parts of the Fort Stanton area and a small portion of the Hillsdale community. My drive and compassion to see a better Ward 8 has lead me to this point in my life to step up and accept the responsibility our ancestors have fought and spilled blood for. Being a representative for the residents in my community will allow our opinions heard clearly on the direction we see Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 8B headed.

From the newly renovated Moten Elementary to the future development of the Gainesville Square Town Homes, this community is proving that vibrancy and optimism can flourish during times of struggle. Unfortunately, many of my fellow neighbors are seeing the booming expansion in our city but are feeling the pain the economic downturn has left behind on our doorsteps. This presents a great opportunity for ANC Commissioners to step up and provide their communities with vital information on programs that are available and can be beneficial in reducing some of the financial burdens many may be facing in their households. That type of leadership is expected and should never be marginalized to compensate for those who only want the position for selfish purposes. Today, that is a character flaw we face with the leadership of ANC 8B.

When public meetings are downgraded to events of verbal and physical attacks by our elected officials because they can not take criticism for their actions (or non-actions), we have a problem. The level of immaturity and irresponsibility for the way our tax dollars are spent by ANC 8B requires an injection of new blood to right the ways of those who continue to fail us. Infighting by fellow commissioners over not having access to the ANC office, bank statements and the checkbook to make sure our money is being spent appropriately is only causing gridlock and instability on a commission whose whole focus should be on addressing the needs of our community. We all have a responsibility to do what’s best for our communities and the greater Ward 8. You don’t accept this opportunity to represent your fellow neighbors for a title or position, you do it to make a difference.

It’s time we get back to the basics and elect true advocates for our communities, not those who are in it for themselves or looking to expand some type of political career. I’m proud of the fact I can stand before you today on the balance beam of truth without any need of dabbling in falsehoods. This election brings me hope because my neighbors are filled with hope. I am glad to have their unending support and look forward to the change that will come...change from the ground up.

From The Advoc8te: If you are running as a challenger in a DC election (including ANC) and would like to submit a guest post for CHotR send an email to Guests posts must focus on your election platform and/or qualifications and are limited to one post per candidate.

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