Congress Heights on the Rise

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Good Afternoon, 

The East of the River Career Exposure Camp is a three day, summer youth camp for 20 students, who will be enrolled in the 6th, 7th and 8th grade in Fall 2012. The youth reside in Ward 7 and Ward 8, and will be exposed to professional careers with an emphasis in science, math, reading, creativity and critical thinking.  The camp is being coordinated by River East Emerging Leaders (r.e.e.l.), DC Chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects, and The Southeast White House.  

The goals of the summer youth camp are:
(1) to develop and strengthen skills in science, math, reading, creativity and critical
(2) to provide an interactive curriculum and environment;
(3) to expose youth to professional career fields and successful minority professionals; and
(4) to encourage youth to pursue an undergraduate and graduate school education.
Camp activities will include handsā€on activities about architecture, math and science, group projects and group presentations.  Students will learn the basics of architecture by learning about shapes and forms, sketching on note pads and Ipads, and designing and building models.  Students also will learn about African-Americn architects as well as local buildings designed by African-American architects.  On Saturday, for our field trip, we will visit an African-American architecture firm and visit one of the buildings they have designed.
Students will be served breakfast and lunch Thursday and Friday, and only lunch on Saturday.  We are asking parents and students to attend an orientation on July 28th fro 10AM-2PM at the Southeast White House.  At the time, we will do an overview of the camp and the curriculum, meet volunteer instructors,  and conduct an activity with parents and students.  Breakfast and lunch will be served.  Please note that all volunteers are screened through a mandatory background check.
Attached is a  flyer and a registration form for your to fill out.  You can email it to or bring it to the orientation on July 28th.  However, space is limited to 20 students, so please reserve your space for your child before July 28th by emailing your registration form to

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me, Kellie Armstead at

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