Congress Heights on the Rise

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I like to think I am a tough old broad but even I couldn't hold back the tears when I saw my Ward 8 mentee, John, graduate from the DC Public Allies program last Friday.  John is an articulate, hardworking and incredibly bright young man I had the pleasure of meeting last year during my teaching stint.  I may have been the one to introduce him to the Public Allies program but boy did he take it from there! John is one of those gifted people that you know will go far if given 1/2 the chance.  I couldn't be prouder of him than when I saw him graduate.   If you or someone you know is  looking to make a positive impact and to develop vital  skills along the way the Public Allies is an amazing program. Please take a moment and check them out or become a host organization. Be the new face of leadership! 

P.S. If anyone knows of a paid PT internship or job for the summer please let me know. My graduate is looking! :)

John getting his Public Allies pin!!!! 

My heart bursts in 5...4...3...2..1

John holding the picture I took of him exactly one year earlier
when we found out he got into the program! 

The new face of leadership!!!

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