Congress Heights on the Rise

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HILL RAG | H Street Playhouse to Relocate to Historic Anacostia

Go HERE to read the full article by Annette Nielson.


Philip Pannell, executive director of the Anacostia Coordinating Council and longtime Ward 8 resident said of the H Street Playhouse relocation that there couldn’t be better news. “There hasn’t been a live theater and performance space in Anacostia in 20 years – since 8Rock was located on Martin Luther King Boulevard – I can’t wait for the Playhouse’s arrival.” 
The Playhouse’s change in venue to 2020 Shannon Place, SE, also has the support of Mayor Gray and Ward 8 council member Marion Barry. ANC commissioner David Garber who lived in Anacostia for three years stated, “This is a win-win for the city – a real beacon for all of the possibilities as we see more destinations created, adding to the already established Uniontown Bar & Grill, existing art galleries – all things that will bring people to the neighborhood.” 
Garber’s sentiment was echoed by DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities executive director Lionell Thomas at the Monday afternoon press conference, “This will be an amazing cultural hub here in Anacostia – a great example of how public and private partnerships can work in underserved areas.”

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