Congress Heights on the Rise

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Free beginners sewing class this Sat in Anacostia. Registration required!

This LUMEN8Anacostia pop-up is hosted by  Nosheen Ahmad and is located at 2208 MLK Jr. Ave SE, 2nd floor.

Only 2 spaces available per class. REGISTER NOW!
(see info below)


Beginners Sewing–Free!
This introduction class will be about 2.5 hours. The first thing anyone learns to sew is a pillow. You will learn to make a patch work pillow that will let you learn about joining different pieces together. You will also learn the parts of the sewing machine, how to wind a bobbin and thread the machine. Learn how to adjust stitches, length, width and type.
Please bring the following:
1/2 yard Fabric A (must be non-stretch, med-weight woven fabric. No thick fleece,faux-fur, velvet etc. Must be easy fabric for beginner sewer.
1/3 yard Fabric B (same notes as above-use contrast or coordinating fabric, whatever you like together!.
1 spool of thread to match
Approx 12oz bag pillow filling, or bring a small pillow and make a cover for that.
If you don’t have time to go to a fabric store try stopping by a thrift store. Often times they have some fabric or buy a large piece of fabric, like a curtain. Later on, when you have the fabric of your choice, you can take what you learned and apply it with the fabric you want.
Email me with any questions. I’ll try to post a schedule two weeks in advance:
Saturday, May 12, 2012: 12-2:30 PM
Saturday, May 12, 2012: 3-5:30PM

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