Congress Heights on the Rise

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Addendum to Biking Journal Day 1 | "They were on sale"

I forgot to include this little nugget in my first post about getting back on the bike after 20 years.

If anyone thinks they do not have the athletic prowess or knowledge to get on a bike take it from me,  if I can do it anyone can do it.

ADDENDUM to Day 1 of my journal:

After dropping my loaner bike at home I headed straight to my LUMEN8 pop-up in my "special" bike riding gear (LUMEN8Anacostia t-shirt + sweat pants).  After I set my space up,  I went to visit the pop-up next door. The following conversation was between me and the other pop-up operator who is a friend. I swear I did not make this conversation up. It actually happened. I really am this clueless when it comes to sports.

Him: "So what did you do today?"

Me: "WABA had this free bike clinic in my neighborhood and while I was there I rode a bike for the first time in two decades. Kind of cool."

Him: "Look at you! Cycling and you play soccer!"

Me: *blank stare* "What?"

Him: "Your shoes."

Me: *looks at sneakers* "What about them? I just got them"

Him: "Umm, they have cleats."

Me: "Is that what they are? I just thought they were cute -- and they were on sale."

Him: *bursts into laughter* "Well they are cute."

In hindsight that explained ANC Commissioner Dionne Brown commenting on my "special shoes"  at the WABA repair clinic.

Proof positive that I'm really "special." ;)

Teddy admiring my "special" shoes
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