Congress Heights on the Rise

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May 4 | Two new art openings in Anacostia!

Mark your calendars for next Friday, May 4 for not one, but two openings in Historic Anacostia. Start at The Gallery at Vivid Solutions at 6 p.m., then come down the road to us after 7 p.m.--or vice versa--you can't go wrong!

Go HERE to RSVP on Facebook and invite your friends! Both events are free and open to the public!

Le Temps Devant (Our Time Ahead): Anachronism and Utopia in the French Countryside
Photographs by Frédéric Nauczyciel 
curated by Amy Cavanaugh Royce, executive director at the Maryland Art Place
May 4 - June 29

"Upon seeing proofs from the series Our Time Ahead by Frédéric Nauczyciel I knew immediately there was something significant and special about his photography. The more I learned about Frédéric, the series, and his way of production, the more interesting this body of work became. Our Time Ahead takes you to a place of history while simultaneously drawing a familiar connection with modern life. The photographs prompt the viewer to consider their lives, the role of the countryside today, farming and other rural lifestyles through a subconscious co-mingling of contemporary living. For instance, more recent movements towards buying local, supporting independent farmers, crop sharing and other ways of integrating modern life with our food source. This was the first notion that came to my mind, although the work has much more significance than just the aspect of food and farming."
--Amy Cavanaugh Royce

Please join us for the opening reception on Friday May 4, 7 p.m. at Honfleur Gallery.

Stop by our sister gallery The Gallery at Vivid Solutions that same night for their opening of Benjamin's Nguyen's exhibit "birdsdecay" between 6-8 p.m.--it's located just around the corner at 2208 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE · Washington, DC 20020.

Le Temps Devant produced and funded by ARCH Development Corporation in collaboration with the Alliance Française of Washington.

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