Congress Heights on the Rise

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March 8 | Community mtng to discuss Anacostia totem pole project


A couple weeks back, we had a great meeting with the Artist who was selected to create a totem pole at 1201-1203 Good Hope Rd SE, but we need to hear from and share it with more of you!

Next Thursday evening (3/8 @ 6:30pm) artist Wilfredo Valladares will return to present his project to the community, seeking feedback and establishing opportunities for community collaboration. The meeting will also be an opportunity to learn about the cultural history and themes that inspired the artist to create this temporary installation. We hope you will attend:

                Thursday, March 8 th – 6:30 to 7:30pm
                DHCD Housing Resource Center (Corner Entrance)
                1800 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE
                Washington, DC 20020

There are many excited arts-related events coming up in Ward 8, including a community forum on Public Murals in Southeast DC at the Anacostia Community Museum on March 13 th( and LUMEN8Anacostia ( which will kick off on April 14 th, transforming vacant and/or underutilized storefronts and empty lots into an artist showcase/village for 3-6 months.

Please help us spread the word, and have a great weekend!

Darnetta K. Tyus, Special Assistant
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
202-351-1567 |

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