Congress Heights on the Rise

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Jacque Patterson: Gaston should be barred from forums until he complies with campaign finance reporting

Jacque Patterson
Good evening everyone,
While I respect the fact that every Ward 8 Council candidate abided by the requirements to gain access to the ballot, which is the basis for an invitation to participate in the forums that will take place this and in the coming weeks, I have serious concerns about the fact that Ward 8 Council candidate  Darrell Gaston has not filed his campaign finance report for January 31st, 2012. 
In light of the recent developments concerning allegations involving campaign finance violations, we must take serious an infraction concerning this issue. Every other Ward 8 Council candidate has been transparent and open in their reporting.   Every other Ward 8 Council candidate has done what is needed to restore public trust in this season of goverment mistrust by meeting the deadlines to run fair and open campaigns, with the exception of Commissioner Gaston.
Unless Commissioner Gaston is forthcoming with his campaign finance reporting, he should be barred from participating in forums and debates. I believe it casts an ethical shadow on his candidacy and calls into question his ability to lead with integrity.
It is our responsibility, first and foremost as leaders in Ward 8, to hold each other accountable.  We should not wait until the Office of Campaign Finance sends out a memorandum requesting an explanation as to his tardiness in reporting.  I would expect no less were I in violation of such campaign requirements.
Jacque D. Patterson
Candidate for Ward 8 Councilmember
3521 21st Street, SE
Washington, DC  20020

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