Congress Heights on the Rise

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From prison to professional - H.O.P.E. is real

I have to ask --- Why is the H.O.P.E Project not receiving any DC government funds? This is a group that is training young people in an industry that is actually hiring! East of the River youth can do more than just swing a hammer. -- The Advoc8te

This is Segfried Smith, I met him in 2010 when he attended the HOPE Project 1 day workshop. When he introduced himself the first thing he said was that he was JUST COMING HOME! In less than 2 years, if you were to meet him he would not say that HE"S JUST COMING HOME, he would say that "He is a world class IT Professional, with 5, count'em 5 industry recognized certifications and that he is currently enrolled in a CISCO course at PG College and he's a recent graduate of the HOPE Project. He would also say he is an IT Consultant with a bill rate of $45 an hour. TAKE THAT PRISON SYSTEM YOU WON'T SEE HIM ANYMORE UNLESS HE'S VISITING A FRIEND.

Raymond Bell
Founder and Administrator
The H.O.P.E. Project
International Graduate University
1325 D St. SE Washington DC 20003
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202.449.8663 Ext. 1 - Office
"empowering young people through technical and corporate training, certification and social coaching"

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