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WashPo | United Medical Center seeks $15 million from the D.C. government

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By  Published: February 16 
United Medical Center is requesting an additional $15 million from D.C. taxpayers to help finance a turnaround, likely renewing debate about whether the city should own a cash-starved hospital. 
After its previous owners defaulted on its obligations to the city, the District took over the Ward 8 hospital in December 2010 until a new operator could be found. But the city government is divided over whether the city should try to quickly unload the hospital to a private buyer or keep it to try to bolster its quality — and its price tag. 
With the latter camp prevailing so far, the hospital’s board of directors wrote Mayor Vincent C. Gray (D), requesting additional funds to help United Medical rebrand its mission by shifting to “ambulatory and physician-centric care.’’ The hospital, formerly known as Greater Southeast Medical Center, specializes in traditional acute care. 
The board is asking the District for an additional $9 million in direct funding, as well as to forgive a $6 million loan. The board will also seek $5 million in federal funds.
“The Board, hospital management, and [the Office of the Chief Financial Officer] leadership met to collaboratively determine the financial support needed to maintain hospital operations and fund the restructuring effort,” wrote Bishop C. Matthews Hudson, chairman of the board. “We came to a consensus that $15 million will be required.” 
Gray said in a statement that he would “carefully review” the request “to determine the best response for the benefit of UMC, the District residents it services, and the city as a whole.”

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