Congress Heights on the Rise

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Feb 23 | Ward 8 Community Benefits Agreement Seminar

Ward 8 Community Benefits Agreement Seminar
Thursday, February 23, 2012 @ 6 pm
CM Barry’s Southeast Office
2100 MLK Jr. Avenue, S.E.
3rd Floor Conference Room
Washington, D.C. 20020
Please join Bishop C. Matthew Hudson and James Bunn of Congress Heights Main Streets as we learn the significance of a Community Benefits Agreement.  
Community Benefits Agreement ("CBA") in the USA is acontract signed by community groups and a real estate developer that requires the developer to provide specific amenities and/or mitigations to the local community or neighborhood. In exchange, the community groups agree to publicly support the project, or at least not oppose it. Often, negotiating a CBA relies heavily upon the formation of a multi-issue, broad based community coalition including community, environmental, faith-based and labor organizations.

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