Congress Heights on the Rise

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10-4pm, Frederick Douglass Bday Celebration in Anacostia - Heated tent!

From the Friends of Frederick Douglass National Historic Site Facebook page:
Saturday we celebrate Frederick Douglass' Birthday with a day of events at Frederick Douglass NHS. The opening ceremony starts at 10:00 a.m. and is in the big heated tent. Our theme for this year's birthday is Abolition then and now. In honor of that, we are honored to have Ambassador Cdebaca, President Obama's point person in the fight against modern day slavery and human trafficking. He is a dynamic speaker. We hope you will join us. 

We affectionately like to say that the Frederick Douglass Birthday is like a "3-ringed circus" because we have activiites and programs going on in a huge tent in our parking lot, in the visitor center and we will be doing tours of the house. A little something for everyone from 10 to 4 on Saturday, February 11th

We have a great Frederick Douglass Actor, Fred Morsell who will give a selection of Douglass' abolitionist speeches at 1:30 p.m. He is so good that you can imagine for a minute that Douglass has "come to life." Hope you can join us Saturday!!!

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