Congress Heights on the Rise

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GGW: Rally questions Barry's leadership in Ward 8

Go HERE to read the Greater Greater Washington article by John Muller.


Amplified with a bullhorn,  ANC Commissioner Greta Fuller's voice cut the early morning cold, echoing down the 1200 block of Good Hope Road SE. 
"We have been fed lies over and over again that are our community will be revitalized," Fuller said to more than 50 people who gathered. "Marion Barry, you are not in touch with our community. You don't know what we want, you don't know what we need." 
Organized by former Barry spokesperson  Natalie Williams, now challenging Barry for Ward 8's 2012 DC Council Democratic nomination, the rally attracted community leaders and residents that have sought information on Calvary Women's Services' plan to open a 50-bed shelter on Good Hope Road for the past  6 months without success.

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