Congress Heights on the Rise

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Caution? Danger? Calvary continues construction of Anacostia main street homeless shelter

I took these pictures Wednesday morning. Despite the community's nearly unanimous opposition, construction continues on Calvary Women's Services "Good Hope Kitchen" (translation: homeless shelter) on main street Anacostia.  I still can't see the rational behind putting a 100% residential facility smack dab on main street, in the heart of the business district,  in such a prime piece of real estate. Whether true or not, the word is on the street that some politically connected folks worked behind the scenes to get Calvary to give up their Chinatown digs in exchange for the Good Hope Rd location. Not sure if there is any truth in that but considering how this whole thing has panned out I can see how folks would come to that conclusion.

Sidenote: As I was taking pictures of the construction progress I watched a man with a baby in a stroller have to choose between going under the "Caution" tape or take the stroller into the busy street  - he made the hard decision to duck under the tape and make a mad dash across the sidewalk. I myself was nearly ran over by a city bus trying to go around the blocked sidewalk by walking in the street.

So nice to see that Calvary is so concerned about the safety of the pedestrians of Anacostia. With friends like these who needs a walkable, viable,  business district?

"Caution" and "Danger" indeed.

No storefront retail or offices for this building. The Good Hope Kitchen will be 100% residential.

The signage says it all

The loitering continues, clients from the rehab facility next door

I think I will just squeeeeeeze between the tap and the truck -- or maybe not. 

*Sigh* What could have been?

Good Hope Kitchen: A homeless shelter by any other name is still a homeless shelter

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