Congress Heights on the Rise

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BREAKING NEWS: I turn 35, calendars become obsolete

Having a birthday on the 3rd day of the new year is pretty sweet even if it comes just a week after Christmas. I mean really, how many times can you hear, "your christmas present was also your birthday present" and not scream? FYI - that only works for car/jewelry/vacation sized gifts, argyle socks will only get you so far.  On the bright side, having a birthday two days after your best friend's birthday (love ya Greg!) means that the first week of January becomes a pretty awesome blur of cocktails, hugs, strippers and dancing drag queens (not always in that order).

"Thanks" to all my family, friends, co-workers, clients, tweeps, and blog readers for their heartfelt birthday wishes today. I really do appreciate the love. In keeping with my New Year's resolution,  I am going to try and do more fun things for myself this year. In short, The Advoc8te is going spend more time advocating for The Advoc8te, hopefully in the form of more great trips like this one. That being said, I am going to take the few remaining dollars that I didn't lose 'making it rain' and will be enjoying my birthday away from my computer therefore unless something amazing happens (like I win the lottery or cab drivers happily take fares to Southeast) expect it to be a pretty slow day on CHotR.

I mean a girl only turns 35 for the first time once.

P.S. How do you get stripper glitter out of cashmere?!

The Advoc8te

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