Congress Heights on the Rise

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Still No Word From Calvary Women's Services, Mayor Gray, Chairman Brown, CM Barry on Anacostia Homeless Shelter

ANC Commissioner Greta Fuller is still trying to coordinate a public meeting with CWS but there has been no official response from CWS or assistance from DC officials (including Mayor Gray and Council Member Barry) that  she has appealed to.  Speculation and unrest is definetly growing amongst Anacostia and Ward 8 residents that CWS is receiving some kind of "protection," hence the military silence all of these months and the refusal of politicians to bring CWS to the table.

Without knowing who signed off on this project (because ANC 8A wasn't consulted or involved) something strange does seem to be afoot. I have never seen a project East of the River get this far along without a community meeting to even discuss it, let alone not have an ANC contacted for a letter of support.

In the meantime, construction continues on 1217 and 1219 Good Hope Rd SE and Calvary continues their "100 days of funding" to raise $100,000 for what they call their "Good Hope Kitchen."

Hope for Good Hope is fading.

Update: I just realized why this has been bothering me so much. It's not just the idea of putting a 100% residential facility right in the heart of a fledging business district (although that is reason enough).

What is really troubling is that this situation could encourage others to use the same "less is more" method of community engagement. Perhaps the best way to avoid community opposition is to avoid community involvement? Perhaps it is better to "ask forgiveness than permission" and that outside forces know what is best in our communities.

My other concern is that politicians always tell people to, "get involved," that their voices are needed and wanted. That "we" are all in this together. Are we really?  It is this type of communications blackout that makes residents and business owners East of the River (who already feel marginalized) believe their opinions don't don't matter, their communities don't matter, and nothing they can do will ever change that.

That is perhaps the saddest realization of all, that "this" is all for nothing.

What's the connection?
Anchor JC Hayward, Mayor Vincent Gray, CWS Executive Director Kris Thompson
(photo courtesy of Calvary Women's Services)

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