Congress Heights on the Rise

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Protest Against Planned Main Street Homeless Shelter in Ward 8 MOVES FORWARD!

For Immediate Release rc
Phone: (202) 688-5321
Scheduled Protest Against Planned
Main Street Homeless Shelter in Ward 8 Moves FORWARD

(Washington DC – Ward 8) Ward 8 City Council Candidate, Natalie Williams says tomorrow's rally against the Calvary Women’s Shelter in Ward 8’s Anacostia District will go on as planned.  The protest will be held at 1217 Good Hope Road, SE, Washington DC.  It will begin promptly at 7am. 

Williams says “Ward 8 residents have been speaking out loud and clear since the announcement of this rally and we, as a community, are prepared to let our voices be heard.  Tomorrow's rally is in protest to the oversaturation of homeless shelters and social services that attract hundreds from outside of our Ward.  It is in protest of Calvary's blatant disregard and disrespect of the leadership of our neighborhoods, specifically our ANC Commissioners and Civic Leaders.  And it is in protest of our current Councilmember's willingness to continue to allow and support such programs that take away from the improvement and progression of our Ward.  These are unwanted additions to our Ward in general, and to the Anacostia community specifically.  At this hour, there is no room for compromise.  There is no middle ground.  We are organized. We are standing united. Enough is enough!"
GUEST SPEAKERS INCLUDE:                                                                                                               
Natalie Williams, Candidate for Ward 8 City Council                                                                                                        Anthony Muhammad, Chairman, ANC 8A                                                                                                         Greta Fuller, ANC8A03 (Invited)                                                                                                                        Graylin Presbury, President, Fairlawn Civic Association                                                                                    Frederick Douglass Improvement Council (Representative)                                                                             Darrin Davis, Resident and Business Owner, Anacostia River Realty  

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