Congress Heights on the Rise

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Marion Barry Condemns Tomorrow's Rally, Says Opponents Should Be "Ashamed"

Courtesy of Bruce DePuyt from Channel 8.

I find several things about this press release particularly concerning :
  1.  Barry's continued disconnect with the views of his constituents (and frankly those of his staff)
  2.  Barry's eagerness to condemn someone who until recently worked for him ... as his spokesperson. I guess Phaedra was right, "If they aren't talking about you, you're not relevant."
  3.  What happened to advocating for Ward 8? 
  4.  Today is Wednesday, December 28th, not Friday
Weird (or maybe not). Oh well, see you tomorrow morning! I have a feeling this is about to get a lot more interesting. :)

PRESS Release: Barry Finds Natalie Williams Calvary Church Efforts Off-Point and Misguided

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