Congress Heights on the Rise

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District of DeBonis | Lockridge name will go on new Southwest library

The word has come down. The DC Council has voted to overturn the DC Public Library board's recommendation regarding the new library in Bellevue. According to their vote the library will be called  William O'Neal Lockridge Library at Bellevue. 

I am very interested in hearing from readers how they feel about this latest development. Is this a fitting tribute for Lockridge? Are three Lockridge facilities in Ward 8 enough? Is this another example of  "special rules for special people"? How sincere can this be when it feels forced? Is this much ado about nothing?

Makes me wonder if a Mary Cuthbert Center For Community Togetherness is a possibility. :)

Go HERE to read the full article by Mike DeBonis of the Washington Post.

The library, at South Capitol and Atlantic streets SW, will be called the “William O’Neal Lockridge Library at Bellevue.” 
Council members  Tommy Wells (D-Ward 6) and  David A. Catania (I-At Large) voted against the bill, citing concerns about whether the library was an appropriate tribute to Lockridge and whether it was proper for the council to overturn a vote of the library board. But Barry and others said the renaming was an appropriate tribute to the longtime Ward 8 activist. 
There was no mention of the  op-ed in Sunday’s Washington Postwritten by board chair  John W. Hill that raised concerns about Lockridge’s “questionable relationship with the library.”

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