Congress Heights on the Rise

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Comment of the Week

In response to the post, "Ward 8 Candidate Jacque Patterson requests OCF investigation of Barry."

New Resident says:

I would vote for Marion Barry-- if....
Once again Marion Barry tells city council and the mayor that he's above written DC code or code of ethics. 
I'm not angry at Barry -- I'm extremely disappointed! As a new resident and home owner in Ward 8, I knew the economic challenges, but I was not prepared to discover first hand that Marion Barry ( the icon) was so disconnected from the residents and such a do-nothing representative of Ward 8.
Honestly, I thought the Marion Barry of 1965 or even 30 yrs ago still existed. I though I'd see Barry at various local meeting; I though I'd stand within close proximity to him during a rally for jobs, econ. dev. or standing against the saturation of social services in our comm.. But I quickly discovered that the Marion Barry of yesteryear is forever gone. I'm greatly disappointed! How could such a man of integrity and passion for the uplifting of his community turn into the exact opposite? 
I would vote for Barry --if only he were that great leader that I witnessed ONLY through research and documentaries highlighting a bygone era. 

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