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Anacostia Continues To Campaign For Dialogue With Calvary Women's Services, Holds Public Demonstration

Photos courtesy of John Muller
Anacostia continues to ask for Calvary Women's Service's to come to the table and discuss their plans to open a 14,000 square foot shelter two doors down from the Anacostia gateway. On Friday, two neighborhood warriors armed with signs and determination held a silent protest during the 11th Street Bridge ribbon cutting ceremony. The hope being to finally persuade Mayor Gray (who received an award from Calvary in May) and the DC Council to encourage Calvary to at least meet with the community. To be fair, this demonstration was just as much about Calvary's plans to open a large homeless shelter on main street just as much as it was about the over-saturation of social services programs and organizations in Anacostia's Business District. Anacostia has long lamented the challenges of hosting the such as high concentration fo the city's social services programs, agencies, and residential facilities in their small neighborhood at the cost of economic development.

Excerpt from email to the Anacostia listserv:

With posters exclaiming our cause held high, we positioned ourselves in clear view of Mayor Gray, Council Chairman Brown, and others assembled. We spoke with the press, political representatives, and people who were curious in general. Marcia stated our case to Mayor Gray and Council Chairman Brown. It should be noted that Chairman Brown related that he has been in discussions with ANC reps on the matter. Unsure of the report-back, but now would be a great opportunity to do so.
For the past six months, Anacostia residents, business owners, and Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners have sent meeting requests to Calvary via email, letters, telephone, blogs, Twitter, Facebook and now demonstration. Residents have complained about a lack of follow-up with the city's leadership or an inability to get involved at all. In the case of Council Member Marion Barry his message seems confusing to say the least.

On Monday, December 12th Barry tweeted the following:

By Friday he was tweeting a different tune:

It's still unknown who (or what) made Barry change his earlier position. If Anacostia has any hopes of getting that information for themselves they better start making some bigger signs ASAP ... or change the people who are supposed to be reading them.

Including pictures from Friday's demonstration.

P.S. The Advoc8te is in the running for "Favorite DC-Area Blogger" in the WashPO DCTWeeps contest.
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