Congress Heights on the Rise

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A Word From Jacque Patterson

Normally I don't post candidate communications but considering Jacque had to reschedule his announcement event today I wanted to give him something of a platform.

Posted by Jacque Patterson on Facebook:

Good afternoon Great Ward 8 Democrats! Early this morning I picked up petition for ballot access to run for the Ward 8 City Council seat. As I embark on this endeavor, I realize it is not about me as much as it is about the Ward 8 residents and our communities. I'm running because Ward 8 deserves a new way of life. We have been disenfranchised, devalued and underserved, and I believe we as a community deserve a new way forward. I am under no disillusion of the monumental task that I have taken on, but I believe Ward 8 residents are worth everybit of the effort I will put into this campaign. Throughout this race, I will attack problems, not people. I know residents deserve results, not rhethoric. Thank you for the opportunity to serve, and I hope I win your support.

Jacque D. Patterson, Sr.
Candidate for City Council for Ward 8

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